10 Things an Eating Psychology Coach Wants You to Know

  1. Stress is causing you to gain weight. Relax, and change your life. Stress chemicals cause decreased metabolism and decreased calorie burning. The relaxation response counters these, and alters your metabolic state. Your metabolism is fired up, and calorie burning is increased.
  2. There is no one-size-fits-all diet. You are unique and so is your metabolism. Experiment to find what works for YOUR body. Your eating challenges are influenced by everything that makes you human—your relationship, money, work, family, sexuality, spirituality, and your search for fulfillment.
  3. The best resource for you is your body. Listen to the inner signals your body gives. Your body lets you know when it’s hungry, and when it’s satisfied. You might only hear it when it is uncomfortably full.
  4. Heartburn can be improved. Relax, eat slowly, be aware, and honor the message.  Your body is not fighting you; it’s a notification that something needs to change.
  5. Metabolism is much more than ‘calories in and calories out.’ That’s old science. Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experiences also factor into your metabolic rate. Eating speed, your emotional state, the quality of your food, and the pleasure you derive from what you’re eating all have an affect, too. Experiment and see what works.
  6. Overeating is not a lack of willpower. Overeating is a biological drive caused by dieting. When you deprive your body, it causes a rebound effect. Restricting food causes the brain to produce chemicals that induce you to eat. Listen to your body, and honor your hunger, but don’t confuse biological hunger with emotional hunger.
  7. Digestion begins in the mind. The brain must experience pleasure, taste, aroma and satisfaction. When you’re multitasking, eating too fast, or simply not paying attention to your food, your brain interprets this missed experience as hunger. It doesn’t remember eating anything, and says, “I’m hungry,” and on you search for more food.
  8. Nourishment is more than nutrition. Nourishment is the experience of nutrition. It’s the warm fuzzies you get from eating a meal you love, with people you love, and the sharing of the experience. Being grateful and mindful of the people, things, and experiences around you is a huge metabolism booster.
  9. Toxic nutritional beliefs influence how and what we eat. “If only I were thin, I’d be happy.” “Fat in food makes me fat.” “Food is the enemy.” Toxic beliefs, incorrect assumptions, and old science are fed to us by magazine articles, diet books, and television commercials.
  10. You can have a new food-body relationship. It really is as easy as 1-2-3. Relax, experiment, and listen to your body.

Work with an Eating Psychology Coach to set you on an unique road to healing your eating challenges.