Soul Work

The Akashic Record is a database of you as a Soul. It is a static record of the past, and fluid as you move forward in life, making choices and taking actions. When you learn who you are at Soul level, you can authentically live your Divine self-expression. Making choices in alignment with your Divinity brings you the most fulfilling and abundant experience. Living your Divinity creates magic in your life.

I work in 2 modalities in the Record doing separate readings, Soul Realignment™ and Soul Genesis™. These readings have the power to change your life. Each offers different information, which gives you a more complete picture of your Soul, and opening up your life to that magic. There’s something very freeing about being the you that you were created to be.

The Soul Realignment™ Reading

Learn your Divine Soul Blueprint, Soul Gift and Soul Group, and get information about the blocks and restrictions that are in the way of you living your full Soul self. Energies from this life and past incarnations run under the current of your life. Things like shame, guilt, anger, self-doubt or anxiety are influencing you today even though you may not be fully aware of them. Learn about your past or current challenges. Through a clearing process these can be released, and the vital force energy available to you will be increased.

Judith Royle’s Soul Genesis™ (Canadian Trademark)

Learn your Eternal Pattern, Core Wound, Archangel Realm, Soul Trainings, Soul Lineage, Transition and Destiny Gateways. When this information is understood and applied, explains the ‘obstacles’ you encounter over and over, your gifts, the Soul’s lineage, where you are now and your best course of action moving forward. The clearings that Soul Genesis™ offers are very powerful and bring about the most beneficial healing possible.

Why an Akashic Record Reading?

The benefits of an Akashic Record reading is to have a more complete picture of your Soul, which opens up your life to live in alignment as you were created. It’s a fascinating study designed to change your perspective of your life. When you understand your gift and talents, and use them in your life, your life can expand beyond your wildest dreams.


Soul Realignment $200 (includes 1 follow up call)

Soul Genesis $200 (includes 1 follow up call)

Manifesting Blueprint Reading

This is an exploration of your unique Divine design for manifesting. Understanding how you are wired to manifest at Soul level is the vibrational basis for creating more of what you want. Learning how you are currently manifesting in this third dimensional reality helps you understand why you are, or are not, creating what you want. The more aligned we are in manifesting the way we are wired at Soul level, the more our vibrational state attracts that which we wish to create.

There are 7 different aspects we look at in this reading. We examine each in how you are wired at Soul level, and compare that to how you are currently manifesting in third dimensional reality. When you understand where you are out of alignment, you can make the necessary tweaks in order to manifest using your full vibrational power. 

Pricing: $150 (Includes 1 follow up call)